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The Attention Paywall: How Six Second Video Ads Can Increase Mobile Revenue

Publishers are at a major disadvantage when trying to access video advertising budgets. Small-to-medium sized publisher do not have the resources to produce video at scale.

As a result Google and Facebook own most of the video advertising spend in Europe. YouTube in particular has a disproportionate share of the video ad market: it is estimated that YouTube captured $4 billion of video ad spend in 2017.

Publishers with premium-based text content are missing out. How can they claim a share of this growing segment of digital advertising?

Taking the best elements of the YouTube bumper ad (6 six second ad) and fusing it with a user-first experience, UnveilMedia created the video paywall.

The premise is simple: create a value of exchange of attention for access to the best content on the web.

For text-based publisher, it is a seamless way to access video ad budget at scale – and increase revenue on mobile traffic.

What are the key features of the video paywall?

– The publisher gets access to video ad budget

– The ad unit is a user-first experience where users have the choice to watch/not watch the six second ad

– Six-seconds ads are optimum for branding on mobile. Our completion rates are close to 80%

– Our solution delivers high CPMs, particularly on mobile where publishers are not seeing ad revenue rise

– Given our solution is built into all the major CMS solutions, publishers have complete control over targeting (geo, content) and frequency

Not everything can be paid for on the internet. And only a handful of sites globally will benefit from the membership/subscription strategy.

Advertising is the lifeblood of the internet. Users understand this trade-off. The UnvelMedia video paywall is the best of both worlds: firstly it values your premium content; and more importantly it treats your audience with respect.

You can check out our in-scroll option here,

If you are interested in testing our video paywall solution, enter your details here and our publisher team will be back in touch.

Contact our publisher team to:

  • Learn more about our video advertising and data products
  • Find out how UnveilMedia can help you monetise premium content by connecting you into a brand new revenue stream.
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