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How Premium Text-Based Publisher, WatchMarvel, Accessed High-CPM Video Revenue

We are a high-end watch review site with a valuable audience. We found that our users were shifting faster to mobile than our revenue was growing. UnveilMedia's video solution allowed us to monetise our mobile audience without sacrificing existing revenues. Its in-scroll option is the perfect value exchange of user attention for premium content.
Siobhan Mullholland, WatchMarvel Head of Sales

Online video advertising revenue in Europe is controlled by Facebook and Google. They hold a huge market share.

As a result, mid-market premium sites cannot access this growing area of online advertising. Like many publishers of its size, WatchMarvel lacks the resources to produce video at scale.

UnveilMedia works with premium publishers, like WatchMarvel, to unlock the value of its high-end audience. By using our in-scroll video paywall, WatchMarvel was able to monetise its premium content via our six second ad format – while respecting the user experience.

An example of the in-scroll ad can be seen here:

How UnveilMedia delivered for WatchMarvel:

– The Value Exchange Of Attention For Content: WatchMarvel has a valuable audience. Its mobile revenue did not reflect this. By using the UnveilMedia video solution, it could command higher CPMs for its mobile audience without sacrificing existing revenue. This meant new revenue for this high-end publisher.

– Six Seconds Is Best: With completion rates of 75%, WatchMarvel’s partnership with UnveilMedia shows that you can put the user first and make money at the same time.

– Publisher Control: UnveilMedia’s solution is built into a publisher’s CMS. They have the ability to target on user sessions or specific pages. Because of this, WatchMarvel could better monetise high-traffic pages as well as managing frequency of ads across the site.

If you are interested in testing our video paywall solution, enter your details here and our publisher team will be back in touch.

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  • Find out how UnveilMedia can help you monetise premium content by connecting you into a brand new revenue stream.
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