Publishers Installation Case Studies Blog Get started

How Premium Text-Based Publisher, WatchMarvel, Accessed High-CPM Video Revenue

Online video advertising revenue in Europe is controlled by Facebook and Google. They hold a huge market share. As a result, mid-market premium sites cannot access this growing area of online advertising. Like many publishers of its size, WatchMarvel lacks the resources to produce video at scale. UnveilMedia works with premium publishers, like WatchMarvel, to […]

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Delivering Increased Mobile Revenue With User-First Advertising For FreePostcodeLottery

It’s difficult for publishers to balance user experience and making money on desktop and mobile.  Mobile monetisation is particularly problematic given the limited real estate available for advertising and the attention-poor mobile user. UnveilMedia partnered with FPL to provide a mobile-first ad solution that not only returned incremental revenue but put its users first. The […]

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  • Find out how UnveilMedia can help you monetise premium content by connecting you into a brand new revenue stream.
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